Book An Appointment

 Schedule a introduction One-on-One with Mike


Pick My Brain

Ask what you will (within reason of course)! In this 30 minute call, you control the flow of the conversation. Ask whatever pressing question you may have from relationships to business, from family to  get inside of Mike’s brain and see how he processes a thought. 

Discovery Call

Contrary to what you may have been told along your journey. You have been given a specific assignment that the world needs to experience. In these 45 minutes calls. You and Mike will dive into your limiting beliefs and begin the path of creating a new course towards your destiny. This call is not for the weak in heart. Prepare to be challenged to your core.  

Strategy Call

Do you have a dream or goal that you can’t seem to put the pieces of the puzzle together for? In this 60 minute session. Bring your ideas together and allow Mike to bring some clarity to your plan with his proven and innovative techniques. Get ready to LAUNCH your dreams!!